October 30, 2006

The battle

Last week was unreasonably hard. Tracking down students to make them turn assignments in so that they wouldn't get a bad grade. It's hard to give students bad grades. Especially when I like them so much.

Then it was cloudy and grey all week. And the weather turned cold which made my body hurt all over. Seriously, I think I'm going to get arthritis any time now. But the greyness and coldness just made it really difficult to feel good. Plus, since it was so cold and windy, we're talking Nebraka-ish wind here people, I wasn't walking to and from school as much. All of this and more made me break down a bit on Thursday. Lots of crying ensued. Friday was a little better. I felt on the verge of tears, but I don't think I actually cried. So I decided that was improvement. The weekend was better. It got sunny again, even though it was still windy.

On Saturday night we bought season one of Grey's Anatomy. On Sunday we bought season two and a new DVD player, because our other DVD player went on the fritz. And then Michael opened it up to try to fix it. Apparently not a great idea. But we were able to get our DVDs out of the machine so that was good. I don't know what we'll do when we finish season two.

I taught a short communication session to a group of sixth, seventh and eighth graders yesterday. We played the telephone game and then had them split into pairs. One person had a picture and described it to the other person who had to draw it just on the description, they couldn't see it. So they had fun and I told them that communication is the key to life.

I'm looking forward to going to my mom's house at Thanksgiving. I'm homesick. We
should be there three weeks from today. Wow, that's soon. And yeah, time is flying.

Now I have to plan for three days of classes this week. So yeah. Peace.

October 24, 2006

New list

Over homeleave number two:

*Got my hair cut. Woohoo! I have bangs and more layers and goodness. Don't even bother asking for a picture. Digital cameras hate me.

*Went shopping. Also got some free makeup. They have a store here called Ulta. They have all this girly stuff - makeup and hair stuff from just about every brand. It's fantastic.

*Signed up for my Educator's Discount at Barnes & Noble. Yeah, buddy. 20% off of resources used in the library or classroom. Maybe I'll lend those books out to students... yeah.

*Got application for a new passport. We're gonna travel.

*Tried to get PA driver's license. Went on the wrong day. Stupid DMV.

*Went to D.C. Michael's first time. Went to the Holocaust museum, Lincoln, World War II, Korea and Vietnam memorials. Ate some really good Thai food. That was heaven.

*Stayed at Mama Yancer's house. She wasn't even there. Which was too bad, it would have been nice to see her.

*Found a Gap Outlet in Gettysburg. Went haywire. Bought lots of stuff. Total cost for five shirts and two pairs of pants: $38. (No tax on clothes in PA: awesome.)

Homeleave was again wonderful. Grades are due tonight at midnight, which makes me want to cry a little. Mostly because some students refuse to turn things in on time and I don't want to give them bad grades. This is turning out to be impossible. Also, I'm sleepy. But life is good. I'm sure of it.

October 18, 2006

Update. Or something.

Had a wonderful weekend with friends. Still recovering. Have been a little sad ever since they left. It's awesome to have friends that I can just pick up with and have no awkwardness or weirdness. Just carry on like nothing has changed. What's good, and I hadn't realized this until they were here, is that I haven't really missed Union since I got here. Which must mean I'm enjoying my job. Because last year I missed Union like whoa pretty much all the time. So that's good gnus. Even though while they were here, I just felt like driving back to Nebraska and setting up camp.

In related gnus, kind of, homeleave starts today so we have a few days off to get things done. Like get our gnu driver's licenses and register to vote, take the dog to the vet. I don't even know what else, but I think we're going to try out the Thai restaurant. Which I'm very excited about.

So that's the update.

October 10, 2006


I'm getting very excited about having visitors. Sure, I'm not really cleaning my house, but anyone who knows me knows that this is not one of my higher attributes. But I did have dreams last night that my guests were here and we were having fun together. So that's good. And I'm thinking about what to feed everyone. And I've decided not to worry about the bathroom situation or the lack of beds. (Thanks, Katie)

Too bad Ben is sick. And that I can't comment on his blog. Apparently my computer is revolting against comments. I don't think it even lets me comment on my own blog anymore. It's messed up and slow. Who knows. Anyway. Ben, I hope you feel better soon, because I want to have fun.

The maple tree in my front yard is glorious. I talk to it and exclaim at it daily. Also, I've been walking to and from work more. Sure, it's only half a mile, but it feels good. Anyway, I enjoy the walk, and winter is sure to come soon and make me not want to walk anywhere at all or even to go on living, so I'm going to enjoy the walks while they last.

October 06, 2006

busy busy busy

Michael comes home tomorrow. I'm glad. Mostly. I will miss having the whole bed to myself. That's a lot of space to spread out in. But I do miss him. Not being paranoid and completely petrified of my shadow makes being without him a whole new experience. However, I'm getting irritable, and I think it's from the missing him.

In other news, my first week of teaching English is over. I gave my first test. A lot of people did not do well at all. Others aced it. Is this what normal teaching is like? I went over it in class and everything. There's no reason that anyone should have failed. But spelling seemed to be especially difficult. Why is this? I think I'm not very good at understanding because I always loved English and Spelling and reading and writing and all those nerdy things. My students mostly don't.

Anyway, I'm busy covering Michael's supervision duties this weekend. Which means no real weekend. I do have Sunday morning off. So maybe I can get some reading and unpacking done then.

This school year is just flying by. Next week Ben and Leslie and Justin and Shelley come to visit. I'm very excited. Although, we only have one bathroom and no extra beds. This house is a lot smaller than our last house. So that presents some challenges. But yeah, excited about that. And then the Wednesday after they leave is the beginning of homeleave. So hurrah for the quickness of time.

Also, we're thinking about working at camp next summer. That would be wild. We would be way old staff. And I've been away from camp for three summers. I hardly know anyone there anymore. But it would be fun and we'd be close to family for the summer. So that's the craziness for today. It's bound to get crazier.

October 04, 2006

Good times

I like buying books. Even when they're not for me. It's fun to try to find the best deal on the internet and get good books. Or at least books that I think are good. I think I'll buy some more today. Basically whenever I get a new shipment in I go to amazon or barnes online and buy more. So far they haven't told me to stop.

I taught my first English class yesterday. Tomorrow I'm giving my first vocab test. Apparently, I'm hardcore. Or something. You know what's great about the month of October? I only teach eight times in the entire month. I love this A/B schedule thing they've got going here. I had a few frustrations my first day, but overall, not too bad. I think the Juniors listen a little better than the seniors.

So Michael's gone for a leadership seminar in Atlanta. I really did well my first night alone. (He's gone till Saturday.) I think maybe it's partially living in a duplex that makes me feel safer. In any case, my heart wasn't beating frantically all night and I slept well. So whatever it is that's making me feel alright, I'm glad.