March 27, 2007


It's about 75 degrees today. A miracle. I thought the warmth would never come. But daffodils and tulips and maybe crocus are peeking through the ground. Nature has proved my emotions wrong once again. I'm glad.

(Don't tell anyone I said this, but it actually feels a little too warm. Maybe just because I'm wearing pants and longish sleeves. We'll go with that.)

There's a Union recruiter here today and it makes me think I should go for that guaranteed degree. It's free after all, and I love a bargain.

March 22, 2007

Some things that happened

Spring break was crazy. I went to New York four times and Philadelphia three times. One of the trips to Philadelphia we had to give up on because of a snow storm. We got there and turned around and went right back home. We saw about ten accidents on the way there and back. It's usually a three hour roundtrip, but it took more like six. So that was a barrel of fun. Michael also went to Gettysburg and Washington D.C. but I skipped those trips. One night my mom and Dino and I were in the Philadelphia airport until 2:00 am waiting for Christa to get in. So we didn't get home till 4:00 am. I saw the Daily Show with John Stewart and the Lion King on Broadway and Ellis Island (twice) (and found my great-grandfather's name on the wall) and the Statue of Liberty (twice). I went to Chinatown and Central Park (twice). Found a great little place to buy cheesecakes in New York (twice) and visited the largest mall east of the Mississippi in Philadelphia. Saw Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Christa and I led a last minute song service at church when the guy who was supposed to lead song service couldn't make it because of the foot of snow we got the day before. Most of the snow has melted now, but for a couple of days it was quite treacherous. Lots of cars getting stuck in snow banks and people towing us out.

Somehow I managed to grade all the papers that needed to be graded. And I'm getting really good at getting around on the subway in New York. My family was impressed. I've decided that maybe I should be a tour guide. An international tour guide. I'm good with maps and directions. Maybe that's my true calling. My spiritual gift.

Anyway, it's good to be back to my regular crazy schedule, as opposed to the irregular craziness of spring break. I need a vacation.

March 07, 2007

I should have known.

When I looked outside this morning and saw a fresh blanket of snow on the ground I should have known that today was not the day to have our taxes done. Alas, I didn't think it all through, so we went.

H&R Block says we owe $867.

That hurts.

How does this happen when you don't claim any deductions?

I was hoping with out tax refund to buy a computer, since neither of us currently own one. There goes that dream.

All because I didn't recognize God's warning sign to me: don't do anything of importance when it snows. You'll get screwed.

March 01, 2007

Because I haven't posted in awhile.

The snow is starting to melt. I'm afraid to say much about because last time I did, it snowed another six inches. I'm starting to imagine what it would be like for spring to be here. I think of green grass and things budding and trees leafing... Anything but white, grey and brown. I have more than enough of those colors. Ready for something new.

My family arrives for a visit a week from today. I'm excited. Also, next Tuesday we're going to go try to see the Daily Show again. This time we have VIP tickets and know how to get there. That should help. Maybe there will be more good Thai food.

Last Sunday I served ice cream to about 120 kids. My index finger, thumb and wrist finally feel better today.

I've been waking up approximately 30-40 times a night. I'm really tired. I'm at that point where lots of things are funny. It's not noon yet. I was that way in class this morning. Someone asked why it was so hot in the classroom and I pointed to myself. Then someone asked what the movie was about and I said, "Your mom." Out loud. In real life. To some inner-city kids. It's the sleep deprivation. The censors are turned off.