After much job hunting, a few fruitless interviews, getting advice from many people, a lot of "pros and cons" lists and quite a bit of crying and stress, we've decided to stay here for another year. We had hoped to have jobs and maybe a house picked out, but the economy didn't cooperate.
I'm sad about it. And I'm somewhat relieved just to have a decision. But I'm still sad. So we're going to go out this Saturday night and go swing dancing and eat crepes in Philadelphia. Also, Michael might let me by a crepe maker. And we'll probably go on vacation to Mexico this summer. So those are my consolation prizes. That and having a summer off again, which was really nice last year.
Without the heavy depression this winter my life has been much better. And I can imagine living through another Pennsylvania winter, which I couldn't imagine at this time last year. I really didn't think I would make it. But now I can see coming through it. Plus every year flies by faster than the one before. We will have lived here for four year. Shocking. And we'll finish with the class that were Freshman when we started. It's like going through high school all over again.
So that's the big news. I'm also going off my anti-depressant and feeling pretty fantastic. We found a great little creperie in Lancaster, PA last weekend and indulged. It was amazing. We were in Nashville for Spring Break and enjoyed family time, wedding planning and beautiful weather. Now Pennsylvania is just starting into spring and it will last a lot longer here than it does down south, one of the other highlights of PA, I guess. Also, I cut my hair. It had gotten down past my shoulders and I got it cut just around my chin with a lot of layers. I love it. Every time I cut my hair I wonder why I ever let it grow out. So I think I'll keep it short this time (I say this every time).