January 26, 2010
January 20, 2010
Quote for today
"...the story of any one of us is in some measure the story of us all." - Frederick Buechner
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Labels: Quotes
January 05, 2010
2009 Year in Review
1) What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
I went to Mexico, I was my sister's maid-of-honor, saw Billy Elliot and In The Heights on Broadway, made crepes.
2) Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions, and will you make more for next year (this year)?
One of my resolutions for last year was to lose some weight - I lost 15 pounds! My other resolution was to move to Nashville. That did not happen. My resolutions for this year are to move to Nashville and get into law school.
3) Did anyone close to you give birth?
Michael's friend Joe had a baby. Or rather, his wife did.
4) Did anyone close to you die?
Not especially close, but my great-uncle died.
5) What countries did you visit?
6) What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
More time with friends and family.
7) What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
May 31 - Christa and Wes' wedding
8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I think finishing the school year was pretty big.
9) Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had a cold or two, but pretty uneventful in this regard.
10) What was the best thing you bought?
Once again, plane tickets.
11) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
A whole bunch of congress people and senators.
12) Whose behavior merited celebration?
I think a lot of the people I know are truly amazing. They are serving God in all kinds of ways and are looking for ways to help those around them and to better themselves. That deserves celebration.
13) Where did most of your money go?
Savings, bills, food.
14) What did you get really, really excited about?
Christa's wedding.
15) What song will always remind you of 2008?
I've been thinking about this and I really haven't come up with anything. I don't really listen to pop music, so I don't know what's new and on the radio. Mostly I listen to NPR. I'm that person. Ten years ago I would have thought I was totally lame.
16. Compared to this time last year, are you?:
Wiser? I hope so. How does one measure this?
Healthier? Maybe. Once again, how does one measure this? I'd probably have to see a doctor to know, and I try pretty hard not to see a doctor.
Richer? More in savings again, so yeah.
17) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading, spending time with Michael and my family and friends.
18) What do you wish you'd done less of?
Anxious worrying, obsessive-compulsive thinking.
19) How much did you spend on christmas?
I don't really keep track of these things.
20) Did you fall in love in 2008?
I love my husband a lot.
21) What was your favorite blog post that you wrote?
Not that it took a lot of writing... but In The Car
22) What was your favorite TV program?
The Office and 30 Rock
23) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Today is maybe a bad day to ask. Work can be very frustrating sometimes. I spent a lot of time after work yelling at people who weren't there.
24) What was the best book you read?
Some of my favorites: Water for Elephants, The Book Thief, The Gift of Asher Lev, Bel Canto, Skeletons at the Feast, Captivating
25) What was your greatest musical discovery?
Fireflies and Songs by Sara Groves
26) What did you want and get?
A Nook!
27) What did you want and not get?
A move to Nashville.
28)What was your favorite film this year?
I can't really remember watching any movies this year... must have been awesome, huh?
29) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Well, I don't really remember my birthday. Sad, huh? But a couple weeks later Michael took me to Billy Elliot. And I turned 26.
30) Which celebrity/public figure did you like the most?
I don't think I like any celebrities or public figures this year.
31) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008.
Sweaters, stuff with asymmetrical lines and/or buttons, comfort.
32) What kept you sane?
Sunshine, Michael, God, Hope, Friends
33) Who did you miss?
My mom, Christa, and lots of friends, mostly Leslie. She shouldn't be allowed to go to Thailand for six months at a time.
34) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
I don't always get what I want. (This may seem obvious, it's a constant re-learning, I suppose.)
35) What did you lose this year?
15 pounds
36 )What did you gain this year?
A dream for the future.
37) Who was the best new person you met?
I really enjoy some of my new students this year. They are fun people. They shall remain nameless to protect the innocent.
38) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I am fighting to stay open, open like a lake.
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Christmas Cookies
Some new recipes I tried this year. Chocolate walnut thumbprint cookies with a cherry center and chocolate drizzle, and chocolate mint cookies. They were both really good.
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Christmas Card
Here are some pictures that we took for our Christmas card this year. So Merry Christmas, you get to see some of the out-takes. Our tree was kind of short, so we had to get some perspective by putting the camera on the other side of the room, on top of the coffee table, on top of the ottoman, on top of two books, on top of a small decorative bureau, then we set the timer and ran around to the tree. It was fun.
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Labels: Pictures
Pictures from my mom's 60th birthday party.
Back in November we had a joint birthday party for my mom and my sister. They both had milestone birthdays this year - 30 and 60. So on a two day trip to Nashville I spent a day doing whatever my mom wanted. We watched some Christian female comedian on DVD while doing some crafts together - making beaded bookmarks, then met Christa for lunch and did some shopping. That evening we had a special dinner with friends. It was a good time. Here are some highlights...
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Labels: Family, Food, Friends, Milestones, Pictures