March 23, 2010

A couple of things...

I got my acceptance letter from law school on Saturday. I wasn't totally surprised, but it was still a good feeling to have that piece of paper in my hands.

I had a second interview at a health clinic in Nashville. I haven't talked much about it, so as not to jinx it. If I get it I'll talk more about it. If not, this may be all you ever know about it. I should hear one way or the other in a week or so.

Michael had an interview at a private non-Christian school in Nashville. It was a little odd. Not sure he would take it even if they offered, unless they offer pretty good money.

We made an offer on a house. This would be contingent on my getting the job. It's in foreclosure and has a couple other offers on it, so we're trying not to get our hopes up about it since there are so many ifs. If it doesn't work out you probably won't hear much about this either.

March 04, 2010

Feelin' groovy

So far nine law schools have emailed me and asked me to apply to their programs, including the University of Notre Dame School of Law, which is a top 25 law school, and Charlotte School of Law, who offered me a $15,000 scholarship for each year. I must admit that I'm tempted, but not tempted enough not to move to Nashville. Still, it's nice to be wanted.

Yesterday we made the announcement to the student body that we're leaving. It was not the most fun moment. And some students came to beg us to stay and offer all kinds of "incentives" for us to stay. Kind of awkward, but, once again, nice to be wanted. We had originally hoped to keep it a secret and just slip away at the end of the school year, but alas, that was not to be. The rumor got out, and then we just had to address it.

In other news: Michael and I both have interviews when we're in Nashville during spring break, which is way ahead of where we were last year at this time when we wanted to move. It kind of feels like everything is falling into place for us to leave for real this year, which is good, since we've already told everyone that we're leaving. I don't know what God was waiting for, maybe to teach me patience, or for me to rediscover some passion in my life, or for some unknown reason, but I do have hope that it will really all work out this time.

March 01, 2010


I didn't know that LSAC often sends out the LSAT test results early, so imagine my surprise on Sunday when I opened my hotmail account, and it was sitting there, and had been sitting there since Sunday at 4:15 pm! Later, I read up on it and apparently LSAC frequently sends out the scores a day or two or three before the deadline. So that saved me from the last anxious night of worrying. I'm pretty excited about my score. It puts me in the 88th percentile. Top 22%. Not too shabby for a non-pre-law student who studied for about a month before taking the test. It made me think I really could have aced it if I had more time. But whatever, the average score to get into Nashville School of Law is a 149, and I pretty much crushed that. A 149 is in about the 50th percentile. Anyway, I'd been preparing myself to score a few points lower than my lowest practice test: a 159. And telling myself that a 157 was fine. Because I really didn't feel good about my logic games section. So I was thrilled to get a point higher than my highest practice test: a 162.

So after I got my score I jumped around and stood on the couch and screamed and laughed. Yesterday was a very good day.