Goings on
Michael is back from his two week class at Southern.
I went to a free Sara Groves concert with Tim and Carissa.
I registered for law school on Monday.
Thursday is the last walk through on the house.
Friday we're supposed to close on the house.
Sunday we're supposed to move in.
I created a website for the clinic. It's www.mcmclinic.webs.com. I think it's pretty good for a free, click and build template. If you want to browse through and let me know how it looks, or any mistakes I made, I would appreciate the insight. Don't get to crazy with me though, because after all, I am no computer wizard, and I am not in to changing the html code or anything like that.
Work is going well for the most part. I'm working on getting some grants, and I have new volunteers to train in. It is SO much less stressful than working at a boarding academy. I think that's what I like the most about it. Sometimes it's boring. That's what I don't like about it. But I can handle that. I'm sure I'll be less bored once I start school and have all that studying to do. Which, by the way, I start school in two and a half weeks. (!!!) So those are the highlights. So far, even though it's beastly hot, I love living in Nashville. I'm really happy that we're here. At first I had a lot of mixed emotions about it, and missed PA and our students and friends there. But I love being close to my family, and I already know so many people here. It's nice. Definitely feels like coming home.
So those are the highlights of the last month and a half. Time flies...