May 08, 2012

For posterity...

This is basically just to remember what this experience was like. Some thoughts on pregnancy: First trimester Sick from week 5 1/2 - 13. Exhaustion from week 5 1/2 - 13. Ravenous hunger, workouts became very difficult, extreme breast tenderness, emotional volatility - all by week 4. Strong aversion to tomatoes and onions. Ice cream and chocolate unappealing. Safe foods: bagels, pears, baked potatoes. Mostly force feeding myself. 13 weeks - sickest I've ever been in my life. Trip to ER with vomiting & diarrhea - got some fluids, went back home and thought I would die. Survived! Appetite didn't return for about five days. Missed my first class of law school. Extreme sensitivity to smells - smoke gives me an instant headache. Sugar makes me feel awful - can't even eat small amounts without feeling like I'll throw up and/or die. Second trimester Felt like a miracle after first trimester. Increased urination and discomfort when trying to sleep - had to get a pregnancy pillow and kick Michael out of bed to get any sleep - and still only slept for about 45 minutes - 1 hour at a time. Felt baby move for the first time around 16-17 weeks. Wasn't sure it was her at first. Was sure it was her on December 28, 2011. First began showing at 16 weeks. Can eat most foods again by 16 weeks. Still no desire for ice cream or chocolate at beginning, but this came back by the end of second trimester. Very weak and tired when walking or standing for long periods of time. We found out we were having a girl on January 5, 2012. Michael felt her move for the first time on January 15. Most active at night. Strangers started to notice I was pregnant at 20 weeks. I saw her move from the outside for the first time on January 29 - almost 22 weeks. The things I want the most are fresh fruits and veggies - oranges, strawberries, pineapple, peaches, and baby carrots and cauliflower. Third trimester Actually sleeping a little better. Where did my ankles go? Heartburn/acid reflux - especially at night. I wake up with acid coming up my throat. That's the worst. Zantac helps. Baby girl moves all the time, this is my favorite thing about pregnancy. Strangers feel free to start conversations with me about pregnancy. It's like an open door into my life. Had to take my wedding rings off at beginning of 3rd trimester. Pregnancy brain is real! I always thought it was just an excuse. I lose the words and forget things a lot. First stretch marks around week 34. You're breech at week 32 - will find out at week 37 if you still are or if you've flipped. I mostly enjoy pregnancy. Even when I'm miserable I try to enjoy the journey. It is an amazing experience to have a life growing inside of me. There are just no words to really describe it.

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