June 28, 2007

How did this happen?

So lately I've been finding pure white hairs attached to my head. These are not gray, nor blond. They are white. It started happening last December when I was enmeshed in grading plagiarized papers and dealing with them, etc. So first I just thought they were stress-induced. But they continue to come. Maybe they were originally stress-induced but now my head has realized that it's easier to put out white hairs than to go to all the trouble of making them brown. In any case, I pull them out. My only concern is that I can't see the back of my head and there could be lots back there that I don't know about at all.

When did I get to be an adult? Someone should have consulted me about this before letting it happen.

June 20, 2007

Short update

So it's been awhile. Camp is in full swing. Things are good. We celebrated our second anniversary yesterday. We actually left camp for a couple hours and found a Thai restaurant in Cookeville. Who knew Cookeville would have a Thai restaurant? Anyway, it was pretty good, but not fabulous. And it was nice to have time together, because that's something that is sparse around here.

Being secretary keeps me pretty busy. Lots of making phone calls and faxes and making lists. Michael is busy too, but we're both enjoying camp.

So that's what's going on. Just camp stuff. We're alive, although very tired. And we finally got some rain yesterday, which was a huge blessing because it has been dry like butt here. I've never seen the lake this low in June. Maybe August or September. Definitely not June.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you people who may still be checking here for news.