May 27, 2010

Another one bites the dust

We got back from a largely successful class trip this morning. Many of the students told us how much they enjoyed it, how much fun they had, etc. and there were no major issues, so I count that as success. It was exhausting though, and then for the whole afternoon we had graduation practices, and then a pizza party with the students left on campus while I tried to grade the finals I missed while I was gone. I'm actually getting pretty close.

Our closing date was moved to tomorrow, but because of a little glitch we may not be able to close and/or get financed. See, there's this little thing where they want you to have jobs where you'll be buying the house, and of course we're still working here, even though I have a job, they want to see pay stubs. Which I cannot provide from a job that I haven't started yet. Even though I'm still working here. Anyway, when we heard all this today I collapsed a little. I've told a couple people, so if you're one of them, forgive the redundancy, but these last two weeks have been the most stressful of my life. I think if it were just my job, or just trying to get the house stuff finished long distance, or just packing and moving, or maybe two of those things I would be okay, but it's just so much. I feel overwhelmed and I was a puddle for a few minutes today. I tear up thinking about it now. Anyway, we've been praying about this house for more than a month now, and I keep saying to God, "If it's not your will, let it fall through." So maybe that's all this is, it would just be nice for it to have fallen through a little sooner is all, so that it's not all compounded right now. But maybe I'm learning something, or supposed to be learning something from this. Like, try not to overbook yourself so much.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. If you think of it, send up a prayer for us and the house. At this point I just want it to be over, one way or the other.

May 19, 2010

What's happening

One more A day, one more B day.
One senior class trip (4 1/2 days).
One graduation (6 services).
Getting the power of attorney transferred to my mother so that she can do the closing on our house next Wednesday (while we're on the previously mentioned class trip.)
A million papers to sign to buy a house.
That house also had to have the carpeting and some dry wall taken out of the basement after the flooding in Nashville.
Michael has a phone interview with Nashville Public Schools tonight.
He also has an interview at Madison Campus Elementary the day after graduation.
Packing the house.
Getting my wisdom teeth removed the Wednesday after graduation (two weeks from today).
We hope to leave here with all our stuff on June 6th.

That's about it for now.