May 30, 2007

And so it goes

Tomorrow we leave PA for TN. I'm excited. You know, between exhaustion and insanity. I've been so busy with staff meetings and finishing grades and replacing lost items that I haven't had time to pack or do laundry. Yesterday I realized that I would need to get something to put my things in. Since my trusty duffel bag, which I received for eighth grade graduation, was stolen. And that was pretty much the only luggage I owned. Sure Michael has some, but I don't like suitcases. So I went to TJ Maxx and got a new duffel bag. It's not as big. And it doesn't have as many pockets. And I don't like it as much. But it does have wheels. So there is an upside.

I like shopping. But shopping to replace things that you already owned is not as fun. I'm standing in the store, looking at the jeans I bought three days before and thinking, "Do I really want to buy these again? Do I have a choice, since those were the only jeans that fit me?" Yeah. Not as fun. Same with shorts, shirts, shampoo and conditioner, make up, curling iron, hair dryer... you get the idea. I have a lot of stuff that looks like stuff I used to have.

We have a thousand dollar deductible on our renters' insurance. So no luck there. But I'm past the anger and on to the acceptance. Yep, it sucks, but you should have a bathing suit. Even if you already bought this bathing suit a month ago.

Anyway, I live in America and never had to seriously worry about where my next meal was coming from, so I'm fat and rich. And this is not the end of the world.

So staff meetings are basically done, we gather for worship tomorrow and say adios and hit the road. But first I must conduct an inventory of the library (yes, that includes counting every book), and cleaning up and doing whatever it takes for me to feel okay about being gone for two months. Then the long drive and staff week officially starts Sunday.

May 25, 2007

That's what she said.

Apparently being a sponsor on senior class trip involves:

A. Not getting much sleep because you have to check all the kiddies into their rooms every night and then go hunt down the ones that aren't in their rooms. Then you have to wake up early to be at the bus to go on the excursion of the day. My body cannot handle this anymore, which explains why I'm sick now.

B. Getting your luggage stolen because you were trying to give out room assignments and keys. Therefore, at a great cost to yourself, you must replace all your clothes, toiletries, cosmetics, underwear, swimsuits, etc. So this vacation turned out to be much more expensive than anticipated. And I lost some of my favorite clothes. I cried about it and now I'm going shopping with money I shouldn't be spending. And they don't even pay me to be a sponsor.

C. An otherwise pretty good time. Busch Gardens was fun and I enjoyed the roller coasters a lot. As always.

Now comes graduation. And inventory of everything in the library. That's a whole lot of book counting. And grading the rest of my students' papers. And staff meetings.

I'm tired.

May 18, 2007

Oh, what's the point?

We got yearbooks today. Mine has my name engraved on a little metal plaque. It looks really cool. And they told me that only special people get their names on plaques. So I felt special. I squealed a little. Now I want to ask my workers to sign my yearbook, but it seems to juvenile. Maybe Michael will sign mine.

Speaking of Michael, he was born 24 years ago today. He actually doesn't want people to call him. Seriously, he told me this earlier today. So maybe email him. My point is: I love him and he's awesome and he's a great husband. For instance: he always does the dishes for me because he knows I hate it. Even though he hates it too. And he's really patient with me when I'm crazy and neurotic, which happens a lot. Like yesterday I had a little anxiety attack and huddled under a blanket for a few minutes and cried. And Michael just calmly made me a sandwich so that at least I wouldn't be hungry when I was done with my panic attack. So those are just two of the things that make Michael wonderful to me. I'm sure you have your own reasons for loving him. There are many. Pick one and email him about it. Or just email him to say hello.

In other news, I taught my last class yesterday. It was a very exciting moment. Now I just have 40 some papers to grade and I'm done! And I failed someone. That was like an adult moment. Let them be responsible for cheating and not turning in their work all semester. Not be nice and let them pass when they don't deserve it. I wasn't a pushover. I feel a little proud about it and a little horrified. Last week I stood up to some parents who called and wanted me to change their daughter's grade just because she was sad about it. And I stood my ground. I was proud of myself. But when I write it all down like this I think I sound like a horrible person. Still, it felt good not to get steam-rolled over.

On Sunday we leave for Virginia Beach. Should be an exciting time. Busch Gardens and the beach and a dinner cruise and all sorts of merriment. Or something. We'll see. Then graduation, staff meetings and heading south for the summer. Items are being checked off the list, slowly but surely.


May 11, 2007

Nothing at all

So there's a lot of stuff going on here, but not a lot to tell about. It's like in high school when your teachers gave you busy work just to keep you quiet. (Something I hated, but now, I'm pretty sure I do it.)

Basically, Michael and I are running around keeping busy, with nothing much to show for it.

We had spring picnic this week, so a lot of the kids are more colorful than I have seen them before. Particularly in shades of red and pink.

We're going to this leadership summit for the weekend at CUC or somewhere near there. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. I'm not sure what all it entails, but I know Ben Carson is speaking, which I think is very cool. Also, we had to buy another sleeping bag because we only had one and who knows where we'll be "sleeping". I don't think there will actually be a lot of rest. But who knows, I could happily be proved wrong.

There is lots of grading going on. And I only have two more days of classes. I am unreasonably happy about that. I'm going to try to not have my classes held while I'm away on senior class trip. Because I'd really just show a video anyway, and the students would rather stay in bed, and I'd rather not appear to be an amateur. So maybe no one has to know... We'll see.

We graduated two years ago. I don't know how that happened. Time's flown by so fast. And soon we'll be celebrating our two year anniversary. I don't know how that happened either. I want time to slow down a bit so that I can remember everything and not get old and sick and die.

Which leads into my other topic: my grandma is not doing well. She fell twice last week and didn't remember it. Broke her clavicle, had to go to the hospital. Didn't know where she was or why she was there. She's in a rehab center now but will almost certainly never live on her own again. It's just horrible to watch her diminish and die. Basically. When she was admitted to the hospital the doctor asked what her diagnosis was and how long it had been since she was diagnosed. My aunt told him it had been more than a year and he was surprised because most people with her diagnosis die within 18 months. So it looks as though we may be near the end. I can't remember her diagnosis, but it's similar to Alzheimer's, but much faster, and you lose control of some automatic functions, like swallowing, so many people with the disease die from choking or suffocation. And that's awful. So if you could keep her and my aunt, especially, in your prayers, I would appreciate it. Just for peace and for maybe some lucid days to help everyone cope.

May 04, 2007

Excuses, excuses

So it's been school spirit week here. Which was really just an excuse for me to wear jeans to work. So let it be said, so let it be done. When I was in academy, I never thought about whether or not my teachers wanted to wear jeans everyday. Now I know. Some of us do, and some of us would rather wear a suit and tie every day and also, make all the students wear suits and ties. Well, not the girls. They should be made to wear turtlenecks and skirts down to their toes. Guess which category I'm in?

The weather has been fantastic. Mid to upper sixties. It's good to wear jeans and short sleeves, which is perfect. I'm not yet quite ready for summer. Maybe because winter was brutal and lasted so long, I just want something between the two extremes. Lots of things are blooming, lilacs have just started. They are amazing.

All kinds of busyness is going on here. Last weekend: alumni. This weekend: homeshows for all touring groups. Next weekend: leadership summit. The following weekend we leave on Senior class trip. The following weekend: graduation. The following weekend: we drive to Tennessee to start camp on June 2nd.

When I look at that schedule I want to cry, but I know I'll get everything done. One way or another. Most likely by avoidance, procrastination, then panic. That is how I trained myself to deal with stress.

An awesome thing: I only have five more classes to teach this year. Amazing. I don't know how this happened, but I love the A/B day schedule.

The end.

May 01, 2007


Last night Leslie called me. I looked at my cellphone and didn't recognize the number so I didn't pick it up because I didn't want to take another student to Taco Bell. So as I listened to the voice message, I panicked because it was Leslie calling me. And I accidentally pushed delete in my rush to try to call her back. But my phone hadn't saved her number because I opened the phone to look at the number then closed the phone without answering the call. And when I do that my phone doesn't save the number. I was stupefied (or just stupid). I screamed "NO!" all Monica-esque when she accidentally recorded her message as the outgoing message on Richard's answering machine. (You know what I'm talking about?) Then I wept silently because I missed the call because of my own retardedness. And because I miss Leslie. So I hope Leslie reads this and gets a laugh and someday tries to call me again.