November 29, 2010

November synopsis

89% on my Crimes final. I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed. But when only 5-6 people got an A, and about 20 people failed, I can't feel too bad about it. I guess.

Thanksgiving was lovely. It was really nice to not have to drive 12 hours on both ends of the break. Getting back into the grind is no fun. At least I got ahead in one class. In Contracts I have my homework done through December 20. Now to study for the mid-term.

I got my Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, first time ever. Haven't decorated it yet though. I love the Christmas tree. It's one of my favorite things. When I saw them for sale for the first time I went and hugged the tallest one I could find.

And a quote for today:
"I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world."
-Walt Whitman

November 16, 2010


If you have not already, go right now and buy Jill Phillips and Andy Gullahorn's new Christmas CD. It is awesome. Seriously. Go right now. You'll thank me later.

November 04, 2010

Monthly Update

*95% on my first quiz of law school. You have to get a 95% to get an "A". What is wrong with these people? Shouldn't a 90% be sufficient?
*Took my first final exam of law school in Criminal Law. Won't know the results for probably another week. Hoping for a "B".
*We start right in on the next class, Constitutional Criminal Law. It just seems wrong to just keep going. No break. Just take a final and start the next class. Ugh.
*Had a great time in Atlanta with Justin and Shelli and enjoyed an Andrew Peterson concert together while we were there. We didn't take any pictures to document the weekend.
*Suddenly there is Christmas stuff everywhere. And I haven't even bought any Christmas presents yet. Studying all the time really puts me behind on my holiday shopping.
*Today I bought my first Christmas wrapping paper. I love wrapping paper. I especially like it if it's metallic or sparkly.
*Had a bunch of dead trees cut down in our yard. There is plenty of free firewood out by the curb, if you're interested.
*So far law school is harder than any other level of school I've been a part of. I know this is probably not shocking to most of you, but I kind of thought I would be able to slack off and get good grades like I used to. So far, I just have to study all the time and hope and pray to get good grades. It would be helpful if more of my classes had more than one or two tests to base the whole grade on. Anyway, it's all much more time-consuming than I had imagined, but I guess that's why not everyone is a lawyer.
*That's all I can think of for now.

October 04, 2010


September slipped away without a post. Not sure how that happened. So to update you a little --
*We went to Justin and Shelli's wedding, which was fabulous and exhausting. It was good to be with old friends. And how did we get so old anyway? More people need to get married so that we can all get together more often.
*School has been somewhat all-consuming. I'm sitting in the classroom right now, waiting for class to get started. I briefed my first case, which was terrifying, and last week I had my first quiz. Hoping to get the (cross my fingers) good results back this week. There is a lot of reading and learning going on. And you can ask me all about intent and causation and I'll have some things to tell you. Along with Torts, Contracts and Crimes. Did you know that the burden of proof of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" is only applicable to criminal cases? I did not. Anyway, I'm working on outlining each class (sounds fun, right?) and keeping up with reading and briefs. And it seems never-ending.
*I went to Women's Retreat with my mom and sister, and was totally blessed.
*I came back home to a husband who loves me and shows it to me in a million ways and realized again how blessed I am to have him as my partner and teammate.
*Fall weather is (finally) here. I'm enjoying cooler temperatures and sweaters.
*And of course, there can't be fall weather without me getting nervous about winter, so that's going on too.
*I'm really enjoying being near my family. It's nice that it doesn't have to be a big deal to go over to my mom's house for supper or anything else, for that matter.
*We love our house. And are learning the joys and trials of homeownership. (Cutting down trees, fixing wet basements, decorating, etc.)
*I wrote two grants for work, and am working on a third.
*Patient numbers are steadily going up!

Those are the highlights I guess. I feel very busy, and ready for a homeleave, unfortunately those don't seem to occur outside of boarding academy. I'm feeling a little under the weather today, but it might just be allergies. I don't have time to be sick, so praying that will just go away. And my teacher is here now, so I'm going to go pay attention to class.

August 26, 2010


Update... 6lbs 8oz baby has Thai/Anglo/Karen names. Suwan or Suwat / Orion / Ebayat. Sure gonna have fun picking nicknames!

Big news!

This is only for friends of Leslie:

Leslie had a baby this morning around 7 am central time! Mike says that she and the baby are doing fine.

August 07, 2010

The old house

This is just me saying goodbye to our Pennsylvania home.

For Leslie

Leslie asked me to post pictures of my new house, so this is for her. One of the best motivations for me to get pictures up is for my best friend, who now lives in Thailand, to ask me for it. So, without further ado:

The front of our house, you can see there's a little porch on the side. I like to read there when it's not too blazing hot out. Which is most of the time this summer.

Closer up, you can see Shelby in the door, anxiously waiting for me to come back in so she can follow me around.

Living room, from the front door. We're not done yet. We want to hang a big mirror over the couch and buy a couple of accent chairs, but you get the idea.

Living room from the opposite corner, you can see the pretty front door.

Looking at the kitchen from the dining room.

Looking at the dining room from the kitchen.

This is a closer up of the kitchen. Here you can kind of see my stove top that's set into the counter. This is one of the cool things about the house.

Right now this is the room that holds all the unpacked boxen.

This is the big bathroom.

The extra bedroom.

Two shots of our bedroom.

The tiny master bathroom, hey, I'm just happy to have two bathrooms.

A couple shots of the basement. This was before we added the foosball table. It's the game room, rec room, fun times room.

So that's the basics. I didn't take pictures of the garage. It just has our cars in there and a bunch of empty boxen. We're loving our house, and so happy to be moved in. Also, did I mention that my sister lives seven houses down? It's awesome. After many years of living too far apart, we live five minutes away, walking time. It rawks. So now we're ready for visitors!

July 21, 2010

Goings on

Michael is back from his two week class at Southern.
I went to a free Sara Groves concert with Tim and Carissa.
I registered for law school on Monday.
Thursday is the last walk through on the house.
Friday we're supposed to close on the house.
Sunday we're supposed to move in.
I created a website for the clinic. It's I think it's pretty good for a free, click and build template. If you want to browse through and let me know how it looks, or any mistakes I made, I would appreciate the insight. Don't get to crazy with me though, because after all, I am no computer wizard, and I am not in to changing the html code or anything like that.

Work is going well for the most part. I'm working on getting some grants, and I have new volunteers to train in. It is SO much less stressful than working at a boarding academy. I think that's what I like the most about it. Sometimes it's boring. That's what I don't like about it. But I can handle that. I'm sure I'll be less bored once I start school and have all that studying to do. Which, by the way, I start school in two and a half weeks. (!!!) So those are the highlights. So far, even though it's beastly hot, I love living in Nashville. I'm really happy that we're here. At first I had a lot of mixed emotions about it, and missed PA and our students and friends there. But I love being close to my family, and I already know so many people here. It's nice. Definitely feels like coming home.

So those are the highlights of the last month and a half. Time flies...

June 28, 2010

Housing Update

We were proceeding with trying to close on the house, and went by to show my aunt and uncle, who were in town. Dino was along, and he always tries all the doors, and lo and behold the back door was unlocked. So we went in and took a little look around. The men went downstairs and came back with reports of mold growing up the walls. I was definitely frustrated by this because the owners were supposed to have taken care of all the mold and even cut out all the affected dry wall, but there was mold in all the rooms in the basement. About four feet high.

Our realtor was out of town until Tuesday so we waited to call her until then. We decided that we didn't want a house that is full of mold. So we told her we didn't want to proceed with closing on this house. So Wednesday we went by the house with our agent and she was appalled by how much mold was in the basement, and was happy to help us get out of our contract. We also went and looked at four more houses, found one we loved, and the next day we made an offer on it. Friday, on the way to Gatlinburg for the weekend, we got the call for the counteroffer, which we re-countered. Then they accepted. So we're very excited about the new house. It's in the same neighborhood as my sister's. Actually, seven houses down, but on a different street.

The housing inspection is on Wednesday, so we'll be able to go for that and hear what needs to be heard. From what we could see, everything looks really good. Everything is clean and nice. Nothing that needs to be fixed. The only thing the house doesn't have that we wanted was a dishwasher. Which we can live without, at least for a while. So we're mildly excited, trying to keep it reined in, because as we have learned before, things can go wrong. I think this might be easier because it's not a foreclosure, unlike the last one. So we're hopeful, and still praying.

We feel like maybe God left the door open of the house, so that we would see the mold and get out of it. You never know. In any case, we are hugely blessed.

June 02, 2010


Yesterday evening Michael has his interview at MCE, and he felt like it went really well. He was told he would get a call at 9:00 last night, and 9:00 came and went. At 9:30 the superintendent called and said that they were having another three interviews (for a different position, which Michael also applied for) today, and that he would let Michael know after that. So basically, Michael thought he had no chance, they had hired someone else, and he didn't have much hope for the second position. We were very disappointed. I had a crying session by myself last night. I picked him up from the airport today and he was feeling pretty low. I made a last supper in our house, (from now on it's eating out or at the cafeteria) we took a walk and packed up some more of our belongings.

At 9:20, the superintendent called and said that they had filled the second position. This was no surprise. We didn't think he had much of a shot at this anyway. Then he said that they would like to offer him the 8th grade position. Michael was stunned. You could have knocked him over with a feather. He started laughing (a little hysterically), and accepted immediately. So we're super excited about this. It means a lot of things, including some security with salary and benefits. Also, that God has once again seen fit to keep Michael in teaching, at least for the time being. I think Michael is a phenomenal teacher, but it's nice to see God's hand in it all, and know that I'm not the only one.

House-wise, we're now hoping to close by the end of the month and still get the tax break, but no guarantees. So far, the seller is still willing to hang with us to close on this house. We think we'll get it still, but we're just hoping they'll be patient with us. In the meantime, we'll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks, at least. So that's the update. Thanks for your love and prayers.

May 27, 2010

Another one bites the dust

We got back from a largely successful class trip this morning. Many of the students told us how much they enjoyed it, how much fun they had, etc. and there were no major issues, so I count that as success. It was exhausting though, and then for the whole afternoon we had graduation practices, and then a pizza party with the students left on campus while I tried to grade the finals I missed while I was gone. I'm actually getting pretty close.

Our closing date was moved to tomorrow, but because of a little glitch we may not be able to close and/or get financed. See, there's this little thing where they want you to have jobs where you'll be buying the house, and of course we're still working here, even though I have a job, they want to see pay stubs. Which I cannot provide from a job that I haven't started yet. Even though I'm still working here. Anyway, when we heard all this today I collapsed a little. I've told a couple people, so if you're one of them, forgive the redundancy, but these last two weeks have been the most stressful of my life. I think if it were just my job, or just trying to get the house stuff finished long distance, or just packing and moving, or maybe two of those things I would be okay, but it's just so much. I feel overwhelmed and I was a puddle for a few minutes today. I tear up thinking about it now. Anyway, we've been praying about this house for more than a month now, and I keep saying to God, "If it's not your will, let it fall through." So maybe that's all this is, it would just be nice for it to have fallen through a little sooner is all, so that it's not all compounded right now. But maybe I'm learning something, or supposed to be learning something from this. Like, try not to overbook yourself so much.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. If you think of it, send up a prayer for us and the house. At this point I just want it to be over, one way or the other.

May 19, 2010

What's happening

One more A day, one more B day.
One senior class trip (4 1/2 days).
One graduation (6 services).
Getting the power of attorney transferred to my mother so that she can do the closing on our house next Wednesday (while we're on the previously mentioned class trip.)
A million papers to sign to buy a house.
That house also had to have the carpeting and some dry wall taken out of the basement after the flooding in Nashville.
Michael has a phone interview with Nashville Public Schools tonight.
He also has an interview at Madison Campus Elementary the day after graduation.
Packing the house.
Getting my wisdom teeth removed the Wednesday after graduation (two weeks from today).
We hope to leave here with all our stuff on June 6th.

That's about it for now.

April 30, 2010

Under Contract

Wednesday we got locked in for our interest rate, and officially got under contract. So if everything goes according to plan we'll be closing at the end of May or beginning of June. And we'll get the tax credit, which is a great feeling, gotta say. I think our house inspection will be next Tuesday, and I think that's the last big hurdle before closing. It's kind of crazy to do all (or most) of this long distance, but somehow it's working out, and our realtor has been awesome. If you're moving to the Nashville area I would definitely recommend her.

So I'll tell you more of the house story. Back in March we put a bid on a house that was in foreclosure. It didn't have an agent at the time, and hadn't had one since last December. About a week after we made the bid they finally found an agent for the house, so we were asked to sign an agreement that we knew there were multiple offers on the house (more than ten!), and to make our best and highest offer. We raised our offer significantly and hoped for the best. A month later we still hadn't heard anything. I went back to Nashville specifically to see Leslie before she headed to Thailand, but managed a little house hunting without Michael while I was there. We'd been doing our homework and keeping track of our favorite houses online (try mlsfinder if you're a control freak like me). I told my agent which houses I wanted to see, and she set it all up. In the week before I went to Nashville three of our favorite houses were put under contract. This was really discouraging and enough to make me think this would never work out. The day of house hunting my dad went with me and we saw about seven houses. Which was exhausting. Only three of them seemed like viable options. I talked to Michael on the phone and we decided to put an offer on one that he liked a lot, but I felt really weird about. We offered $5,000 less than the asking price. Everyone said we would get it. Who won't come down $5,000? I was still feeling uncomfortable about it and prayed about it alot. He came back with a counteroffer, asking us to pay closing costs. We didn't feel comfortable giving up that much more cash, when we're already putting 20% down (and moving, probably buying a car, etc.) so we said no. He refused to come down! I felt huge relief. We immediately moved on to our next favorite house (and actually the one I preferred). We made an offer, then had to sign an acknowledgment that it had multiple offers on it. This felt eerily similar to the last time, and we were preparing ourselves not to get any house at all and to move in with my parents for a while. But last Thursday my realtor called and said they had accepted our offer. And since then it's just signing papers and getting interest rates locked in and setting up inspectors. I forgot to mention that I found a four leaf clover in the back yard of this house, and I also found a four leaf clover the day before I was offered the job. It just felt like a little promise from God. Of course, if all of this falls through, I'll have to rethink what kind of promise it was, but all the same, it's awesome to feel God moving in our lives and in our plans. So that's mostly the whole story of the house hunt. Or at least the highlights.

We're very busy. Four weeks until graduation weekend. I'm busy finalizing details of class trip. We're packing. There's a lot going on. My sleep patters tell me I'm stressed. You could probably have told me that just by reading this post. But God is good, and I'm trying to remember His promises to take care of me. Also, keep Michael in your prayers too, he hasn't found a job yet, but I know that God hasn't forgotten about him. It is frustrating though, because it seems like everything else has fallen into place, and being the planners that we are, we like to know what to expect. Still, it's feeling right, and being right with God is a very good place to be.

April 22, 2010

God is in the miracle business

I just got a call from my realtor saying that the house we made an offer on accepted our offer. It was a multi-offer situation, so we're super stoked to get it. As long as nothing falls through we should have a home to move into when we move in June. I said all along it would take a miracle to be able to get a house before the April 30 first-time home buyer's tax credit cut-off date, and everything fell into place, thank you Jesus. As soon as I saw this house I had a really good feeling about it. I thought maybe Jesus was just saving it for me, and maybe that was the case. If everything comes through I'll show some pictures.

It really does feel like everything has fallen into place this year, when we've tried before it was never right. So I don't know what the lesson I needed to learn was, but I'm happy to feel God's blessing in all of this. And so excited!

April 12, 2010

I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

-Walt Whitman

April 09, 2010

The menu

Supper tonight:

An all white cheese macaroni
Brussels sprouts, sauted in olive oil with craisins
Strawberry shortcake


April 05, 2010


I was offered the job last Friday. I'm hesitant to say much before I sign the contract, but I'm really excited about it. It's going to be a big challenge, but I feel like I'm ready for a new challenge. Teaching has certainly been difficult and rewarding in many ways, but I certainly don't feel like it's my passion. So here's to change and to all the pieces falling into place.

March 23, 2010

A couple of things...

I got my acceptance letter from law school on Saturday. I wasn't totally surprised, but it was still a good feeling to have that piece of paper in my hands.

I had a second interview at a health clinic in Nashville. I haven't talked much about it, so as not to jinx it. If I get it I'll talk more about it. If not, this may be all you ever know about it. I should hear one way or the other in a week or so.

Michael had an interview at a private non-Christian school in Nashville. It was a little odd. Not sure he would take it even if they offered, unless they offer pretty good money.

We made an offer on a house. This would be contingent on my getting the job. It's in foreclosure and has a couple other offers on it, so we're trying not to get our hopes up about it since there are so many ifs. If it doesn't work out you probably won't hear much about this either.

March 04, 2010

Feelin' groovy

So far nine law schools have emailed me and asked me to apply to their programs, including the University of Notre Dame School of Law, which is a top 25 law school, and Charlotte School of Law, who offered me a $15,000 scholarship for each year. I must admit that I'm tempted, but not tempted enough not to move to Nashville. Still, it's nice to be wanted.

Yesterday we made the announcement to the student body that we're leaving. It was not the most fun moment. And some students came to beg us to stay and offer all kinds of "incentives" for us to stay. Kind of awkward, but, once again, nice to be wanted. We had originally hoped to keep it a secret and just slip away at the end of the school year, but alas, that was not to be. The rumor got out, and then we just had to address it.

In other news: Michael and I both have interviews when we're in Nashville during spring break, which is way ahead of where we were last year at this time when we wanted to move. It kind of feels like everything is falling into place for us to leave for real this year, which is good, since we've already told everyone that we're leaving. I don't know what God was waiting for, maybe to teach me patience, or for me to rediscover some passion in my life, or for some unknown reason, but I do have hope that it will really all work out this time.

March 01, 2010


I didn't know that LSAC often sends out the LSAT test results early, so imagine my surprise on Sunday when I opened my hotmail account, and it was sitting there, and had been sitting there since Sunday at 4:15 pm! Later, I read up on it and apparently LSAC frequently sends out the scores a day or two or three before the deadline. So that saved me from the last anxious night of worrying. I'm pretty excited about my score. It puts me in the 88th percentile. Top 22%. Not too shabby for a non-pre-law student who studied for about a month before taking the test. It made me think I really could have aced it if I had more time. But whatever, the average score to get into Nashville School of Law is a 149, and I pretty much crushed that. A 149 is in about the 50th percentile. Anyway, I'd been preparing myself to score a few points lower than my lowest practice test: a 159. And telling myself that a 157 was fine. Because I really didn't feel good about my logic games section. So I was thrilled to get a point higher than my highest practice test: a 162.

So after I got my score I jumped around and stood on the couch and screamed and laughed. Yesterday was a very good day.

February 24, 2010


Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. -George Bernard Shaw

I feel like checking out. Michael has been showing a lot of movies in class, and I'm trying to keep teaching relevant material and to remember that although I am frustrated and wish I weren't here right now, I have an obligation to do my best for my students. In other words, I'm trying to keep myself clean and bright.

Also, I get my LSAT results next Monday, and I've been anxious about it. I know that my anxiety serves no purpose, as I can do nothing to make my score better at this point, yet I've had nightmares about getting a 132. That would be horrible. But it is unlikely.

And as always, I'm trying to do the next right thing.

That's what my week is like.

February 10, 2010

Walking home in the snow

I was supposed to be on supervision tonight, but with the drifts up to my knees almost the whole way to the school and then back, I found someone to cover for me who's still at the school.

Adventures in cooking

For my birthday I made myself a grasshopper pie. It was delicious. The recipe includes heavy whipping cream, marshmallow fluff, a little sugar, mint flavoring, and green food coloring. And some butter to hold the Oreo cookie crust together. Pretty simple, really. Also: not really a part of my diet, but I decided for my birthday I could eat whatever I wanted. And since this pie lasted for several days longer than my birthday, for those days too.

Back in December I went to Marche artisan foods in Nashville with my dad for brunch, if you live in Nashville (Tim and Carissa) and haven't been there, you definitely should. They have pretty moderately priced food, with great fresh ingredients, and the menu changes according to the season and what's seasonal. I've loved every meal I've had there. Anyway, that time I got toast with poached eggs in tomato sauce topped with flakes of parmesan. It was fabulous. Especially for this non-egg-loving girl. So I've been craving it ever since, so I decided to try it. It was my first attempt at poached eggs, and they turned out fairly well, I suppose. My version was pretty good, but definitely not as good as Marche's. Still, it was worth a try and it was a change from our regular menu.

February 09, 2010


Friday afternoon, as I realized that a huge snowstorm was about to descend on the region, I freaked out. Not so much about the snow itself, or the gloom, or anything like that, but the Law School Admissions Council was canceling the Law School Admissions Test for Saturday all over the region, and in Philadelphia, which is where I was scheduled to take my own Sabbath Observer's LSAT on Monday. I've been studying and taking practice quizzes, practice tests, practice writing samples for more than a month now. I haven't had a Sunday without a practice four hour test since January 10. And if I had to wait any longer to take this test my head would explode.

On Sunday I checked the LSAC website several times, and there was no news of canceling my test for Monday, so Michael and I headed out to Philadelphia. We took a practice drive to the test center. We hung out with Jared and watched the Superbowl (actually, I stopped caring at the end of the third quarter and decided to go to bed).

Monday morning I woke up at 6:15, which I assure you, is unnaturally early for me, ate a relatively huge breakfast (veggie sausage patty, hashbrown, half a banana and some apple juice), and got on the road at 7:00. Even though we were in the suburbs of Philadelphia, it took an hour for us to get downtown to the test center at Temple University. I don't know if that's typical or if the snow made it worse, but it was a long commute.

I arrived around 8:00, feeling a little sick to my stomach, don't worry, it was just nerves, not actual sickness. I found the room, and the proctors told me to have a seat in the lobby. Shortly before 8:30 the six of us Sabbath keepers were given instructions, fingerprinted, and assigned seats. We were not allowed to have any electronic devices, including cell phones, ipods and calculators. Other things not allowed: mechanical pencils.

Copied from my LSAT admission ticket:

Permitted in the Test Room (must be stored under the chair and may be accessed ONLY during the break)
Test takers may bring into the test room ONLY a clear plastic ziplock bag (maximum size one gallon/3.79 liter) containing ONLY the following items: LSAT Admission Ticket stub, valid ID, wallet, keys, hygiene/ medical products, #2 or HB pencils (no
mechanical pencils), erasers, pencil sharpener, highlighter, tissues, and beverage in a plastic container or juice box (20 oz./591 ml. maximum size) and snack for break only.

Permitted on Desktop
Test takers may have only tissues, ID, LSAT Admission Ticket stub, #2 or HB pencils, erasers, a pencil sharpener,
highlighter, and analog (nondigital) wristwatch. No electronic timing devices are permitted. Beverage and
snack are NOT permitted on the desktop and may be accessed only during the break.

I thought this was pretty hardcore. We had first two sections of logical reasoning, one of my favorite sections, then a section of reading comprehension, my other favorite. Each section was 35 minutes long. Then we had a fifteen minute break, in which I tried to subtly do jumping jacks in the hallway when no one was around. Get the blood flowing, you know? I had my granola bar, took an Advil to stave off the beginnings of a headache and drank a little water, not too much, since you aren't allowed to leave the test room once you enter. When we came back my first section was another logical reasoning (hooray!) and then, the bane of my existence: logic games. On each LSAT there are two logical reasoning sections, one reading comprehension, one logic game section, and then one extra that will be one of the previous three, so it could be any of those kinds, and if I had to do another logic game, I think I would have melted from nerves. Anyway, you finish with a writing sample where you are given an argument, you pick a side and defend it using evidence given in the writing prompt. So four and a half hours after we began, we were allowed to leave.

I felt approximately ten pounds lighter and much happier when I was done. Now I wait three weeks for the results. I'm curious, other graduate school graduates -- was your entrance exam this stringent? No water on the desk? No mechanical pencils?

January 26, 2010

Today's laugh

My dad emailed me and said the kid in this comic strip reminds him of me when I was a kid. Specifically, I used to try to put spells on our cat. Anyway, I don't remember having her rhyming prowess, but I like the idea that I was that crazy and hilarious.

January 20, 2010

Quote for today

"...the story of any one of us is in some measure the story of us all." - Frederick Buechner

January 05, 2010

2009 Year in Review

1) What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
I went to Mexico, I was my sister's maid-of-honor, saw Billy Elliot and In The Heights on Broadway, made crepes.

2) Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions, and will you make more for next year (this year)?
One of my resolutions for last year was to lose some weight - I lost 15 pounds! My other resolution was to move to Nashville. That did not happen. My resolutions for this year are to move to Nashville and get into law school.

3) Did anyone close to you give birth?
Michael's friend Joe had a baby. Or rather, his wife did.

4) Did anyone close to you die?
Not especially close, but my great-uncle died.

5) What countries did you visit?

6) What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
More time with friends and family.

7) What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
May 31 - Christa and Wes' wedding

8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I think finishing the school year was pretty big.

9) Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had a cold or two, but pretty uneventful in this regard.

10) What was the best thing you bought?
Once again, plane tickets.

11) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
A whole bunch of congress people and senators.

12) Whose behavior merited celebration?
I think a lot of the people I know are truly amazing. They are serving God in all kinds of ways and are looking for ways to help those around them and to better themselves. That deserves celebration.

13) Where did most of your money go?
Savings, bills, food.

14) What did you get really, really excited about?
Christa's wedding.

15) What song will always remind you of 2008?
I've been thinking about this and I really haven't come up with anything. I don't really listen to pop music, so I don't know what's new and on the radio. Mostly I listen to NPR. I'm that person. Ten years ago I would have thought I was totally lame.

16. Compared to this time last year, are you?:
Wiser? I hope so. How does one measure this?

Healthier? Maybe. Once again, how does one measure this? I'd probably have to see a doctor to know, and I try pretty hard not to see a doctor.

Richer? More in savings again, so yeah.

17) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading, spending time with Michael and my family and friends.

18) What do you wish you'd done less of?
Anxious worrying, obsessive-compulsive thinking.

19) How much did you spend on christmas?
I don't really keep track of these things.

20) Did you fall in love in 2008?
I love my husband a lot.

21) What was your favorite blog post that you wrote?
Not that it took a lot of writing... but In The Car

22) What was your favorite TV program?
The Office and 30 Rock

23) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Today is maybe a bad day to ask. Work can be very frustrating sometimes. I spent a lot of time after work yelling at people who weren't there.

24) What was the best book you read?
Some of my favorites: Water for Elephants, The Book Thief, The Gift of Asher Lev, Bel Canto, Skeletons at the Feast, Captivating

25) What was your greatest musical discovery?
Fireflies and Songs by Sara Groves

26) What did you want and get?
A Nook!

27) What did you want and not get?
A move to Nashville.

28)What was your favorite film this year?
I can't really remember watching any movies this year... must have been awesome, huh?

29) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Well, I don't really remember my birthday. Sad, huh? But a couple weeks later Michael took me to Billy Elliot. And I turned 26.

30) Which celebrity/public figure did you like the most?
I don't think I like any celebrities or public figures this year.

31) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008.
Sweaters, stuff with asymmetrical lines and/or buttons, comfort.

32) What kept you sane?
Sunshine, Michael, God, Hope, Friends

33) Who did you miss?
My mom, Christa, and lots of friends, mostly Leslie. She shouldn't be allowed to go to Thailand for six months at a time.

34) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
I don't always get what I want. (This may seem obvious, it's a constant re-learning, I suppose.)

35) What did you lose this year?
15 pounds

36 )What did you gain this year?
A dream for the future.

37) Who was the best new person you met?
I really enjoy some of my new students this year. They are fun people. They shall remain nameless to protect the innocent.

38) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I am fighting to stay open, open like a lake.

Our new bedspread

We got a new bedspread for Christmas. It seems very grown up. I like it a lot.

Christmas Cookies

Some new recipes I tried this year. Chocolate walnut thumbprint cookies with a cherry center and chocolate drizzle, and chocolate mint cookies. They were both really good.

Christmas Card

Here are some pictures that we took for our Christmas card this year. So Merry Christmas, you get to see some of the out-takes. Our tree was kind of short, so we had to get some perspective by putting the camera on the other side of the room, on top of the coffee table, on top of the ottoman, on top of two books, on top of a small decorative bureau, then we set the timer and ran around to the tree. It was fun.

Pictures from my mom's 60th birthday party.

Back in November we had a joint birthday party for my mom and my sister. They both had milestone birthdays this year - 30 and 60. So on a two day trip to Nashville I spent a day doing whatever my mom wanted. We watched some Christian female comedian on DVD while doing some crafts together - making beaded bookmarks, then met Christa for lunch and did some shopping. That evening we had a special dinner with friends. It was a good time. Here are some highlights...