November 07, 2006

Like whoa.

I realized last night that probably, you all think my news is that I'm pregnant. Amusingly, that didn't even cross my mind when I wrote that. So no, I'm not. Pregnant, that is. At least, if I am, I certainly don't know about it, and it would be very surprising considering the type of birth control I'm on. Almost fool-proof. Probably TMI there, huh?

Anyway, my youth pastor from back home, Pastor Mike, is here this week for a week of prayer type thing called FOCUS week. So I chatted with him last night and we just caught each other up on life. I remember many Friday nights at his house. Good times.

Also, we gave Shelby the tomato juice bath last night. She still stinks. And I think the hoodie I'm wearing today smells like skunk. But I'm cold. So it's either stink and be comfortable or stink less and be cold. Right now I'm opting for warmth.

It was good to see Shelby a nice orange-ish red color. I sang songs to her like "Shelby is the color of a red balloon and she likes to play and she likes to run and she likes to chase skunks every day." (That was a modification of the color song that we used to sing in Oral and Written, in case anyone was wondering about the tune.) She didn't care for the song. She mostly stood and shivered because we let her sit in the tomato juice for ten minutes. Then we bathed her with her regular doggy shampoo. Still with the stinking.

Anyway, that's what's going on. So if you wanted to know I was pregnant, too bad.

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