August 20, 2007

While I was gone...

I got the sweet MacBook that I'm currently typing on. Woohoo! (which also means that my computer is no longer too slow for my camera -- pictures to follow soon.)

School started back. My class begins tomorrow. I have 24 students in one class and 30 (30!!) in the other.

My other grandfather died. He started out with prostate cancer, then it moved to his bones, before it was detected. Then a couple weeks ago it moved to his liver and he died about a week later. It was sad. I didn't get to go to the funeral, which was near Lincoln, which made it sadder that I couldn't go because then I could have seen friends too. Alas, one can only do so many things, and apparently go to so many funerals in one year.

Two days later, my great-grandmother, his mother, died. She was 99. She'd been out of it so long that they didn't even bother to tell her that her son had died, so that wasn't the cause. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I don't know if I believe in those.

Camp ended, I got sick, stayed that was for most of three weeks and we got home safely.

Life is still good. Just tinted a little with sadness right now.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

It's been a sad summer for you. I'm sorry.

And I'm jealous about your macbook. Nice.